Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Tradition gone

We recently decided to move Duf's mother from AZ to close to us. When we asked her what was important to move she replied her Cedar Chest and important pictures. I think she was the last generation of the Cedar Chest.
When I informed my parents about the move the first thing they both asked about was the Cedar Chest and how we would get it here.
I find it interesting that they are all concerned about the Cedar Chest. I asked my parent's neighbor what she would want to move and she also said she would first take her Cedar Chest.
When my class graduated from high school the girls were given small Cedar Chests and I still have mine! Our daughter, still in her 20's,  had no idea what a Cedar Chest was until this move and it became a topic of conversation. She has mentioned it to her customers and she said the over 60 crowd knows what she is referring to but the younger generation is intrigued by the concept!
I guess it is a bit sad that after my parents generation traditions began to stop.  That generation of ladies all have the Cedar Chest in common and my generation of ladies has no tradition. Rather sad these traditions did not continue.
Our daughter said one client informed her that her mother had just passed and she was going to give away the Cedar Chest because she did not know what to do with it. SAD I will keep my mothers and hope our daughter will keep it when I'm gone.
Cedar storage that eliminates bugs that could get into clothing!