Wednesday, 16 August 2017


August 14, 2017
Duf was so excited to go fishing this day because the waves were less than one foot, but he could not find anyone to go with him. I did not want him to go alone so on Sunday I purchased my fishing license. The young clerk tried to be tactful when he asked if I wanted a regular license or a senior citizen one. HA So my license, plus the MI salmon tag, cost $14.00.
We left home around 4:00 AM and were in the water around 5:45 AM. The water on Lake MI was smooth as glass so we jetted out to 135 feet of water. Duf got all the lines in the water and I drove the boat. On the radio all the reports were that the fish were very hard to catch. About an hour later the fish began to bite. 
Duf got a large one right up to the boat, but my netting skills were lacking so we lost the salmon. Soon after he hooked another and reeled it almost to the boat, gave me the pole to finish reeling, and he netted the huge fish. Success, a large salmon in the boat!
Things slowed for about 30 minutes and then another one hit. I fought this one and it was quite a fight. At one point Duf had to assist with the reeling because my arms were turning to spaghetti! Duf netted this monster that weighed over 20 pounds! 
Two boats in the area came near us so Duf could hold it up for them to see. Fishing was slow and they were quite impressed!

We stayed out a bit longer, but all reports were that the fish had quit biting so we decided to call it a day! At the cleaning station people were coming to view our monster!

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