Thursday, 14 December 2017

Golf Stories

Around 11 we decided to go to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls and then on to Kohl’s to purchase polo shirts for Duf’s golf game on Wednesday.I used my phone to record Duf hitting the ball to help him work on his game. I took different clubs today to decide on the ones I might use. I hit one club and it went over 200 yards. I was able to use that club perfectly five times! As I was about to hit my sixth a lady interrupted me to ask if I’d give her a lesson when I was finished with Duf’s. We laughed and explained the I was just recording him to help him and I did not give lessons. Her husband insisted that I should give her lessons and he was willing to pay my price. It took a bit of convincing to get them to understand that we were just hitting balls. 
When they finally left us we hit a few more balls and a man approached us. He was the pro and he started talking to Duffey then started asking me about the lessons I give. We told him we had not played golf in a few years and we were just warming up. He insisted my swing was to precise to not be a player. I was having a stellar day but decided to quit hitting balls. He proceeded to give Duffey some tips so he could get his handicap to 9 again. 
Crazy Day.

It was another beautiful day in Surprise, AZ so we decided to go golfing. In Sanibel I paid $85. to golf 9 holes and the course was not in that great of shape. Here we paid $20. for two people and a cart and the course is in beautiful shape. On the course in Sanibel we saw alligators in the ponds. In AZ we see the fur remaining from a rabbits that were last nights dinner for a coyote! At night we do hear the coyote howl on the course that surrounds us.
On the third hole I hit a beautiful shot but when I got almost to my ball I saw a sign that read: Bees! I am allergic to bees so I donated that ball to the person brave enough to venture that close to a sign warning of Bees in the ground! We saw this sign three times on this course!

Duf was so concerned with hole 10 because it ran along the road. His first drive went just where he did not want it to go, into the busy street. He got lucky though because at that exact moment there were zero cars! We saw his ball roll down the center of the street! He hit another drive and the fear was now gone so it was a perfectly placed long drive! He got this out of the way before his league begins on tomorrow!

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