Sunday, 4 March 2018

Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show

Today we attended the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show. These amazing horses were competing in indoor and outdoor arenas around WestWorld. The jumpers were amazing although we did see one horse decide to just stop and throw the rider. She did not get hurt but she did not look real happy!
At the indoor arena we were amazed to see how swiftly riders were able to adjust their horses canter from walk, to jog, to long canter to short canter and all the other types of movement. The riders are so poised and wear beautiful outfits and the horses are perfectly groomed with very long tails, they drag on the ground, and meticulously braided manes.
I sat behind Duf and his mother in the handicapped area and began to confabulate with a lady that owned a huge horse farm and many of these horses lived and trained with her. My friend was in a wheelchair because she twisted her ankle working with a horse!  We did not realize we were in reserved seats until she arrived with her daughters and they rather rudely told people to remove themselves from their reserved area. I explained to her we did not know the seats were reserved and that I would tell my husband that we need to move BUT she called her daughters off and said we were welcome to be seated in her reserved area. We had a long conversation that was often interrupted with people walking by and wanting to say something to her. She was so polite and introduced me to everyone and then they were real friendly to me, not what you know but who you know! HA Many of her horses were festooned after winning their event. So when we decided to leave people that we passed acted like I was someone to know!
We stopped at Rio Mirage Cafe on the way home. Duf’s mother is 98 years old and so set in her thinking. She feels bottled water is poison so the waiter had to pour it in a glass for her to drink it. She refuses to eat beans but she ate the rice mixed with beans! She refuses to eat tomatoes but she loves spaghetti and sauce! We love to hear what she Will Not eat and then watch what she eats!

We had a great day for my first time out at an event in a wheelchair.

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