Parents Anniversary
Duf picked the RV up from Morengo where it was having the finishing touches repaired from our accident on the way home from FL in April of 2017 and our two flat front Goodyear tires. We have no faith in Goodyear tires! We packed our clothes and hit the road for our trip to Nashville for Boone’s baptism. All was going well until we hit a shut down on highway 39S. Flashing signs indicated the highway was closed for a bad accident and after waiting for about a half hour we were diverted off 39 to the old 51 to get around the accident. This two hour plus delay put us behind so we decided to stop in Vincennes for the night.
We completed the drive from Vincennes, IN to Nashville and the JellyStone RV Park right next to Opryland. After we were settled we called Jerry and Carole and met them in Lebanon ,TN at the Snow White Drive In. We have found a popular lunch here is a Vegetable +3 or +4. It is three or four vegetables of your choice and a piece of corn bread. I had never heard of this but I did enjoy it!
Natalie, Phillip, and Elcie left home around 1:30 and arrived at JellyStone around 9:30. They wanted to hit the Nashville strip but it stormed and they were tired so they fell asleep.
Natalie, Phillip, Duf, and I went to the Nashville strip for lunch and to observe the crowds. We were at a rooftop bar watching those on the street and saw both a girl and a guy so drunk their friends had to hold them up and get a cab to transport them home! UG that drink at noon doesn’t make for a fun day for the drunk for their friends! We went into the GooGoo candy store and I ate a sample that was delicious but I’m sure had more sugar than needed in two weeks! Natalie and Phillip purchased some delicious choices but I was sure it would kill me so I didn’t purchase any! Will Power was in full effect because I wanted it!! We heard some really good bands. In one bar an elderly man with a huge bodyguard got up on stage and sang. It was said he is one of the richest people in Nashville and owner many of the bars. We are very sure he did not make his money singing!
Our grandson, Boone, was baptized in a beautiful service in Ashland, TN. After the service we had lunch ending with cookies in the shape of a cross. Boone returned home for a nap and then everyone came to our place at Harpeth River Bridge and Phillip cooked delicious hamburgers and brats for dinner. It was a warm day but the shade and a breeze made it very pleasant to be outdoors. The party ended around 7 when Boone indicated it was time for him to go home and go to bed!
Six years ago today Duffey and Katie wed in a beautiful ceremony at Front Porch Farms outside Ashland City, TN. The wedding day was an extremely hot day and today has turned out to also be a very hot day! Katie’s parents, Duffey, Boone, Katie, Phillip, Natalie, Duf, and I met at Old School Farm for brunch. All their food is made from scratch and comes from within a 30 mile radius as well as their farm on the property. The restaurant Is in an old school house and in true Nashville fashion there was live music. After lunch we went outdoors to a pavilion and played a bit with Boone and talked. A breeze and the shade made being outside bearable. We returned home about 1:30 and Phillip, Natalie and Elcie had to leave to drive back to Roscoe, about 9 hours.
This morning we had a drive by! An over 4 foot Cotton Mouth Snake crossed our site and the road in front of us, slithered passed the children play area, across another road and into the pond! A ranger was going to catch the snake until he saw the grey belly and white mouth. He said they are very poisonous and he did not want to mess with it. He went to get something to kill it but then claimed he could not locate the snake! Children play here so we felt he should have been more diligent in killing the snake. YIKES!
On Sunday most people left this RV park and we thought we might be alone Sunday night until around 5 when 8 new rigs arrived. We were happy to see people arrive until the children jumped from their campers and dashed to the play area and seemed to be so happy to be out running and meeting new kids. This play area was exactly where the snake had crossed! Our first instinct was to dash out and alert all the parents about the snake, but just then the camp host was making his rounds so we stopped him and asked if the parents had been informed about the snake. He assured us they knew of the snake but there was nothing to worry about because the snake preferred water and he was sure it had long passed through to the water on the other side of our little peninsula. The ranger was right behind the host so we asked him and he laughed at us and said that the snake had passed through and we should not concern ourselves with it.
I know these fine men would not lie to us so we just sat and watched the kids enjoy themselves and prayed these men were correct. We had binoculars and continually combed the area just to be sure, we saw nothing.
It is now Tuesday and the children are wading in the water that the snake headed for and swimming in the water the snake came from. No one has been hurt yet so I guess we worry for no reason Plus I’m here so if the snake wanted to bite I guess it would probably be me anyway!
If Boone were older I would not let him swim here or play on the toys!
These children are very active and I spoke with a couple boys, 8 and 10 years old, that live full time in their RV. They were very polite and said they were homeschooled. I was quite disappointed with their math skills, they were trying to figure out if one area had four swings and two were for babies what per cent would that be. I had 4 quarters so I laid them on the picnic table and said divide them how the swings are divided. How much money is in each pile? They said they didn’t know much about money and had no idea what I was trying to do. So they have a beautiful motorhome, a Harley and a Jeep but the kids don’t know anything about money?