Monday, 27 August 2018

All American Grooming Show

This weekend I accompanied Natalie to the All American Grooming Show in Schaumburg, IL and was it ever an amazing experience. We can never quit learning about all of the amazing jobs there are out there and how some are so fun they do not seem like work! People spend a fortune on their pets and Natalie spent a fortune on products that makes their pets look well groomed and smell amazing!
The sheers, clippers, shampoo, and other products Natalie uses for grooming come in all qualities, and Natalie has decided to only use the best, which is costly but worth it. Although I was just an observer I saw the different products and how the elite ones really are better for the dogs coat and skin. I observed how a pair of sheers that cost $75. ripped the coat and left uneven lines while the $275.+ Sheers cut the coat like it was butter, sliding through the coat not ripping out the hair and leaving a clean well groomed looking cut.  It was a real education for me!
We also attended the competitions and I had never seen anything like it. It might look like the dogs are being used, but I think it is the human being used. These show dogs love to be looked at while being groomed and while walking the runway, they just seem so happy! The groomers are artists that know how to trim the hair in various areas and apply dye and spray in details to make these dogs, mostly poodles because of their fur type, look like amazing works of art. After the judging most of the dye just washes out and with a comb out and a bit of trimming one would never know the dog had been in this type of show. These dogs are treated like stars and live a life of luxury. 

I laughed when I heard people complain to the show personnel that the temperature in the huge room was not cool enough for their dogs. One employee said if he upped the temperature it would be chilly for humans and the loud reply was, “Tell them to wear a sweater! Our babies need it cooler!” It did not take long for the convention area to cool down!

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