Wednesday, 29 August 2018


I am on the road to recovery. I purchased some Pepper Gel spray so I am able to start walking around the block again. The neighbor man was walking and a new dog in the neighborhood attacked him and bit him 6 times. A new family moved in down the street with two large dogs and one doesn't seem to be restrained by the electric fence. Many neighbors have complained but nothing was done and now there has been an attack.
 I heard the lady came out and stopped the attack.The attacked man went home so his wife could patch him up and he could decide if he needed hospital care. The dog owner called the police and reported that the man was teasing the dog and the dog attached. The police came and asked where the attack occurred and they could see blood on the far side of the street from her house. The police asked the owner for her dogs current tags and registration papers and she did not have them. So this lady called the police on herself because her dog was out of her yard, bit someone and had no tags. The dog was taken and is quarantined for 10 days. If the dog shows signs of rabies our poor neighbor man will need the shots.
I do not know if the dog will return to the neighborhood, but I have learned I will need protection when I am walking. I do not have the strength to fight off a dog so I hope this Pepper Gel will do it for me.
I am doing my arm exercises and preparing to walk and regain my strength! If the rain stops today I might try to walk a bit!

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