Wednesday, 20 April 2016

April 18, 2016

April 18
The nurse at the hospital said Dr Bear, a hand specialist, would call me Monday morning, but when his office had not called by 10 AM I called them. The Dr office said the hospital says they will call but that is not what they do and they were glad I called. I was told to come to see Dr Bear at 2:30 that afternoon.
Dr Bear examined my hand and did a few feeling and movement tests. He said infection was my worst enemy now so he prescribed antibiotics to go with what Dr B had prescribed. Dr Bear decided to remove some stitches so if an infection did occur it would be able to drain. He squeezed my fingers and was happy to not see any puss, very painful! Dr Bear had a young man come in and he had a tool kit with wire snippers, etc. This young man pleasantly informed me that he was making custom splints for my fingers and then he would bandage my hand. He finished his work and retold me the Dr instructions until my appointment in three days, April 20.
So here I am with my hand up and Duf pampering me. He really doesn't want me to get an infection! 

Early Monday evening Dr. Butterbach from the OSF ER called to see how I was doing and he was glad to hear I had followed his suggestion to see Dr. Bear as soon as possible. He asked questions about bleeding and what Dr. Bear had done. I thanked him and he said I was the worst cut job he had seen in quite some time!

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