Allegiant strikes again! Although it might not be their fault this time, because of bad weather, it is just that their reputation proceeds them! We left home to take Duf to physical therapy with the plan that when he was finished we would drive to the airport to pick up Carole and Jerry. Just before PT ended I received a text from Jerry that they would be 2 hours late because the plane that was to pick them up was stranded in bad weather.
Of course Duf saw this as an opportunity to stop at Bass Pro Shop and browse the new fish finders! We didn’t browse long because there were so many people and he feared getting bumped. When you are not wanting to be touched you really notice how people are like bees darting around with no rhyme or reason for how they meander through life. Just stop and observe sometime and it really makes you access how you behave in a crowd!
We took side roads to the airport and discovered some very nice areas we did not know existed.
We finally arrived at the airport to observe people in action! This is a small airport and three planes landed at the same time so people flooded the small luggage area. We took a seat and watched the action that got so crazy the police were called in to keep peace. It was announced which luggage would come out first and that those people should move to the head of the crowd. Sounds easy but there are just some people that can’t stand to not be first and would not give up their place and allow others to get their bags and leave. It was announced that the second planes luggage would not be unloaded until the first planes luggage was picked up but the same people refused to move. The officers were trying to be polite but some people are just rude. I wanted to start a chant-tase them, tase them!
Finally plane luggage was gone and plane two luggage was coming around and then some people got very upset that they did not see their luggage. The police asked what plane they were on and reminded them that they landed third and their luggage would be next. Crazy people did not take that well. It was announced that if people would move and let others get their luggage things would move faster but some people are so stubborn.
Next announcement was that two more planes just landed, because of weather delays, and that if people wanted their luggage from plane three they should let plane two get and go. Same fools held their places!
Luckily Carole and Jerry appeared from plane 4 and had no luggage checked so we headed out! We stopped at Lashleys for a delicious dinner and enjoyed their great company.
It was a long day for Duf, but he was elated to have been out of the house and had an almost back to normal day. Plus he was finally really tired from being active! Small pleasures!
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