Saturday, 1 August 2015

Today Duf and the group visited the Museum of the North, Dredge No. 8 and viewed the pipeline. It was a chilly, drizzly day, but they were able to have a great time and pan gold! While I was home recuperating a Moose came by for a visit!

The legs of the pipeline are filled with a gas that facilitates the permafrost from melting so the pipeline is steady and doesn't sink. The wings at the top also help with this. The line is off the ground so that animals are able to pass under the pipe and not bother it, it also is able to slide incase of earthquake. We saw the pipe crossing a couple of rivers but it is mostly out in the woods where it is not visible. This pipeline is a vital financial part of Alaska, citizens get a yearly income from the profits and it keeps taxes very low.

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